We deserve our highest aspirations

From my eBook:- Aligning with your authenticity by Joycelyn Marshall

We deserve our highest aspirations

Being able to feel that passion from your soul’s desire (highest aspiration) will give you the energy (motivation) to pursue the desire and to sustain it for long periods as you would want to constantly feel that fulfillment from pursuing that desire.

If you are following your soul’s desire and you feel unmotivated for an extended period, it is most likely a sign that you are burdened down with blockages from feeling the passion, that motivational energy, from your soul’s desire.

When we work on clearing our blockages, we open up ourselves to leverage that passion or motivational energy from our soul’s desire.

Published by

Joycelyn Marshall

Author of Self-Mastery/True Self-Empowerment & Upgrading Your Life & Aligning with your authenticity