Keep your heart open

From my eBook: Self-Mastery/True Self-Empowerment by Joycelyn Marshall

Keep your heart open. Don’t put up a wall as this would shut you out of new possibilities.

There are certain things in life that are meant for us to help with our spiritual growth and fulfillment. When we go about life with our heart closed or we put up a wall instead of being our authentic self, we delay the time these things come to us. When we keep our heart open and follow our intuition which is the guidance from our soul or Divine guidance, we go about getting what is meant for us the quickest. In other words, making ourselves ready for when the Universe brings that opportunity to us so we can be in the right “state of being” to recognize it and act on it.

Published by

Joycelyn Marshall

Author of Self-Mastery/True Self-Empowerment & Upgrading Your Life & Aligning with your authenticity