Feeling wronged by the other?

From my eBook:- Aligning with your authenticity by Joycelyn Marshall

-“Divine love” is unconditional and flows without interruption of the ego which would question if the person’s malicious action towards us deserves our love in return.

-“Divine love” would see that such malicious action came from a person who is broken and is in need of love.

-“Divine love” would not wish ill on the person in return but would wish them healing and inner peace for themselves first and also for preventing them hurting others .

We deserve our highest aspirations

From my eBook:- Aligning with your authenticity by Joycelyn Marshall

We deserve our highest aspirations

Being able to feel that passion from your soul’s desire (highest aspiration) will give you the energy (motivation) to pursue the desire and to sustain it for long periods as you would want to constantly feel that fulfillment from pursuing that desire.

If you are following your soul’s desire and you feel unmotivated for an extended period, it is most likely a sign that you are burdened down with blockages from feeling the passion, that motivational energy, from your soul’s desire.

When we work on clearing our blockages, we open up ourselves to leverage that passion or motivational energy from our soul’s desire.

Be in a neutral position to receive the answer

From my eBook:- Aligning with your authenticity by Joycelyn Marshall

Be in a neutral position to receive the answer

Everything happens “for you” and not “to you” when following Divine guidance or your intuition (your soul’s guidance). When faced with any such situation, ask the question, “what is the Universe (God) trying to tell me here?”. Then be neutral to receive the answer. You will know what it is when it feels right. If you don’t see it; feel it; or are led to it right away, calm those limiting thoughts until they are gone. Then be neutral and ask again. Take the good message received and navigate smoothly forward.

Without an attachment to “it”

From my eBook:- Aligning with your authenticity by Joycelyn Marshall

Without an attachment to “it”

Attachment to a “thing”, outside of ourselves, for our happiness can give us a false sense of security. The more the attachment, the greater is the illusion that we cannot do without “it”. We may try to control “it” for fear of losing “it”, not realizing that “it” really controls us. Being able to be part of something without an attachment to it gives us more control of our peace of mind and hence our happiness.

Feeling overpowered by the other?

From my eBook:- Aligning with your authenticity by Joycelyn Marshall

Feeling overpowered by the other?

Feeling overpowered by the other? Chances are, you are in a low vibration or off-balance. Or maybe you are feeling separated from the other because of their self-righteous judgment.

Every part of us has its place so working to reintegrate that part that feels overwhelmed or abandoned or rejected and needs more love and healing can open us up to unconditional self love which helps us to connect to ourself and the other in a healthy way.